lose weight even when you in sleep.

Nine things that can help you lose weight while sleeping.  We can all agree that exercising regularly is the best way to lose weight and stay healthy but do most of us exercise daily. Nope does everyone sleep every day though yes thankfully. there are a few ways, you can lose weight even while you're off in dreamland
number nine :  drink a protein shake before heading to bed. A 2014 study has proven that drinking protein before bed helps increase the number of calories. The body burns while resting impressive right but that's not all protein also aids in muscle repair in the more muscle mass, you have the more calories you burn when you're sleeping so have a shake with about 30 grams of protein before heading to bed that'll be enough for you to lose weight all while catching some Z's .
Number eight : Have small dinners whether you're on a diet or not eating. Smaller portions are always a great idea it simply allows you to eat exactly the amount of food. you need as opposed to leaving the table feeling like you're about to explode, having a smaller sized supper will only do your body good you see during deep sleep our brain puts out a growth hormone. if you eat late at night that growth hormone stores the feet in your system as fat instead of fuel and there you go a few more inches around the waist that you never asked for so cut down the size of your evening dinners. those extra pounds will disappear.
Number seven : Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is great for parties and special occasions but not for day-to-day life especially before bedtime. An article published in the journal critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences states that consuming alcohol close to bedtime will make your body metabolize. The alcohol during your sleep this process will keep you from achieving a state of REM sleep which is when your body burns the most calories. At night a glass of wine with dinner is okay but don't consume any alcohol within three hours before bedtime that way you'll get some good quality and calorie burning Sleep.
 Number six: set yourself a consistent bedtime
It's no secret that getting the right amount of sleep is paramount to our health but busy schedules late night movies and all our high-tech gadgets and gizmos stand in the way of getting sound sleep we understand that it's time to go to bed yet we convince ourselves that just one more episode or YouTube video won't do us any harm then it turns into an endless marathon and next thing you know you're going to bed at 3 a.m. true story right if you really want to lose weight you've got to kick this bad habit setting a consistent bedtime and getting the right amount of sleep which is about seven to eight hours helps the body burn more fat. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that well-rested people burn 20% more calories after eating than those who don't get enough sleep so change your sleeping schedule and you'll see your figure changing as well.
Number five : avoid exercising before bedtime
Of course exercise is great for your body and health so if you work out regularly keep it up just be sure to do it at the right time of day and that's definitely not before bedtime exercise gets the heart pumping and wakes the body up making, it difficult to achieve a good night's rest if you workout before you go to sleep instead do your exercises in the morning since again physical training wakes the body up plus it'll help you kick start your day and keep you energized throughout it if for some reason you can't exercise in the morning at least do it no less than four hours before bed.
Number four :  Turn off all bedroom electronics
Let's do a survey give this video a like if you sleep with your phone nearby and check it before you go to bed and first thing in the morning it's okay we call do it but unfortunately this is one of those habits that we've got to kick to the curb no matter how impossible it might seem a Harvard University study found that the short wave blue light emitted by tablets and smartphones prohibits the body's production of the sleep aiding hormone melatonin as for weight loss well another study connected by singapore-based researchers found that long hours of watching TV causes the body to produce higher levels of triglycerides which are associated with diabetes and lower levels of adiponectin adiponectin in its turn is the protein that regulates glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown in the body so basically your devices are keeping you from sleeping and your body from burning fat turn them off at bedtime and get some shut-eye .
Number three : Turn down the thermostat 
sleeping in cooler temperatures enhances the body's storage of brown adipose tissue which helps burn fat in the belly like keeping us warm a study published in the medical journal Diabetes showed that people who slept in rooms with a temperature of around 66 degrees burn seventy-five more calories than those who slept in warmer rooms just give it a try the results won't disappoint you.
Number two sleep in complete darkness
Another little change that'll help you lose weight is to turn off all the lights when you go to bed sleeping in complete darkness assist your body in producing melatonin you know the sleep hormone we mentioned earlier and according to a study published in the Journal of paia research this hormone doesn't just induce good sleep it also eats in the production of brown adipose tissue remember that one - the one that keeps us warm and burns belly fat if you're afraid of the dark no judgement here then try to leave a light on in the hallway or a nearby room just be sure to leave your bedroom dorm barely cracked so that not much of that light gets in that'll do the trick –
Number one : sleep naked
Though it might sound super weird and awkward sleeping naked has tons of health benefits not only does it allow you more freedom of movement while you're sleeping the same can't be said about restrictive pajamas it also helps you improve your physique besides without clothes your body stays cool which as we mentioned before also helps you burn more calories while resting and that's how you become slimmer and healthier do you have any advice of your own on how to lose weight pretty much effortlessly tell us.
